“Tea Cup Manor” Reported To Be ‘Most Britishy’ British TV Show Yet, Say L.A.-Based Creators

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Following in the footsteps of such British TV show mega-hits as Downton AbbeySherlockDr. Who, and The Crown, newcomer Tea Cup Manor is said to be ‘the most Britishy’ TV show ever, according to its creators hailing from Los Angeles. The show revolves around Egmund Stewthrottle, a young butler who serves the wealthy Kentington Family in the titular Tea Cup Manor. But that’s not all: Egmund isn’t merely a butler. He’s also a time-traveling fugitive who falls deeply in love with women constantly and wears many disguises.

5 Ways To Get Your Stubborn Coworker To Watch That Show You Won’t Shut Up About

2. Go to work dressed up as one of your favorite characters

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Who wouldn’t want to catch up on Game of Thrones after seeing your hand-crafted Jon Snow outfit in the middle of a work meeting? When your coworker sees the powerful effect a fur coat and a longsword has on the meeting, he’ll realize it is he who truly “knows nothing” (CLICK TITLE FOR FULL ARTICLE)

CDC Reports ‘Acting Bug’ Sweeping Across Nation

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Symptoms so far include delusional declarations to quit one’s job and move to Los Angeles, sudden enrollment at a local improv theater, or a spike in the amount of time spent watching YouTube clips of Inside The Actors Studio. (CLICK TITLE FOR FULL ARTICLE)

A Frame By Frame Analysis Of ‘The Last Jedi’ Trailer

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The way that window on left is shaped is so bizarre — Look, I can’t keep doing this. There are 24 frames per second which means this trailer analysis is going to take hundreds and hundreds of pages to describe. Why did The Salmon Pages send me every goddamn frame? (CLICK THE TITLE FOR FULL ARTICLE)

The Crazy Story Behind Tarantino’s Scrapped Pixar Movie

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What if I told you that the anime sequence in Kill Bill Vol. 1 wasn’t Quentin Tarantino’s only attempt at animation? The year was 2005 and Pixar was in the midst of a string of hit films: Monsters IncThe Incredibles, and Finding Nemo were all recent smash hits at the box office. So upon receiving a tantalizing email from Mr. Reservoir Dogs himself and the success making him feel invincible, Chief Creative Officer John Lasseter basically said, “Fuck it. Let’s talk to Tarantino. Nobody can stop this train.”

How To Become A Rockstar Assistant In 6 Easy Step

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This is a no brainer. The moment the receptionist sees that guitar coming through the doorway, they’re gonna interrupt whatever meeting’s happening and get every executive they can find out into the lobby to see what they’re seeing: the rockstar assistant they’ve been waiting for has arrived. (CLICK TITLE FOR FULL ARTICLE)